Voting Is Official


Your new officers and board members for 2025 are:

President: Rich Gravelle

Vice President: John O'Hare

Secretary: Sandra Villa

Treasurer: Linda Camilli

Activities Director: Chuck Sauer

Chairman of the Board: Jerry Shafer

Board Member: Linda Thomas

Board Member: Nita Trent

Board Member: Jeanne Pellegrini

There you have it: your new officers and board members for 2025. Thank You

 Other notable changes to the club's bylaws include:

  • The new qualifying vehicle year for membership is 1986 (formerly 1980). 
  • A new membership option of Famly. Criteria for Family membership are for those extended family members who are over 18, have a driver’s license, and do not own a qualifying vehicle to have their own individual membership.
  • Those who have not paid their dues by the third Wednesday in March are disqualified from participating in no-cost meeting raffles.